Alloy: Episode 74

Click (playlist episode #74)


One of the many powers of photography is that with a push of a button time can be frozen..."click"...a snapshot, a slice of time captured, preserved. Musically, I do something similar to this every week. For most every show I create a playlist, a musical snapshot, if you will, of what I am listening to and what captures my imagination. Music frozen, yet shared. So it is true for this week, "click"...a set of music that represents "what I am into" at this moment in time, fixed, but not permanent. Truly of the moment, not static, like a photo, but ultimately more fluid and dynamic. What's part of the now, the week's snapshot, may not be part of tomorrow's or the next. Ever-changing, shifting. Lend an open ear and listen to the tracks below. Also, don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from last week's “Labels” show right from the comfort of your browser (click here). Thanks for listening!

Composition Album Artist Info Listen Now!
Lightbulb Symmetrical Oscillations Patrick Butler None
My Ideal First Love Matt Hopper YouTube Apple Music
Falling Istanbul Underground İlhan Erşahin YouTube Apple Music
Goodbye Tape Loops Chris Walla YouTube Apple Music
GBFISYSIH Man Made Object GoGo Penguin YouTube Apple Music
Collide The Setting Sun Fjordne YouTube Apple Music
Nebula Will Julianna Barwick YouTube Apple Music
Into The Darkness Day One Rupert Lally Bandcamp
Of Course, Of Course I Long To See You Charles Lloyd & The Marvels YouTube Apple Music
Sombrero Sam I Long To See You Charles Lloyd & The Marvels YouTube Apple Music
Snorkle Observations Papadosio YouTube Apple Music
Beckons to Me Daughters of the American Revolution Pat Daugherty YouTube Apple Music
Tomorrow Never Knows Revolver The Beatles Apple Music
Ashes to Ashes Strung out in Heaven: A Bowie String Quartet Tribute EP Jherek Bischoff & Amanda Palmer Bandcamp Apple Music
Via Chicago Summerteeth Wilco YouTube Apple Music
Ekki Mukk Valtari Sigur Ros YouTube Apple Music



One of the many powers of photography is that with a push of a button time can be frozen..."click"...a snapshot, a slice of time captured, preserved. Musically, I do something similar to this every week. For most every show I create a playlist, a musical snapshot, if you will, of what I am listening to and what captures my imagination. Music frozen, yet shared. So it is true for this week, "click"...a set of music that represents "what I am into" at this moment in time, fixed, but not permanent. Truly of the moment, not static, like a photo, but ultimately more fluid and dynamic. What's part of the now, the week's snapshot, may not be part of tomorrow's or the next. Ever-changing, shifting. For now, lend an open ear and listen live on Tuesday at 9AM, if you can. Also, don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from last week's “Labels” show right from the comfort of your browser (click here). Thanks for listening!

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