Alloy: Episode 104

The Noble Art of Letting Go

“letting go”

This week’s show title is inspired by the title of Rebekka Kirijord’s song (and album) of the same name that was part of this week’s playlist. It seemed fitting given all of the change, uncertainty, and...well, seasonal franticness that is around us at this time. But, feel free to interpret as you see fit. I finally got my music library settled (see last week’s show for more) into a new app and system that I am very happy far! If you want to know or learn more about my process, feel free to contact me. I am happy to share my process and solution. As far as the music featured on the show, today, this week’s playlist was filled with tracks from albums that made a few best of 2016 lists, as well as some personal favorites that I longed to hear (more discoveries from my library!), and some seasonal tunes as well. A nice and varied mix.

Don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from the last episode, “Research in the Virtual Attic” (click here). This week's artwork, “letting go” is by yours truly.

Thanks for listening!

The Noble Art of Letting Go (Playlist #104)

“letting go”

This week’s show title is inspired by the title of Rebekka Kirijord’s song (and album) of the same name that was part of this week’s playlist. It seemed fitting given all of the change, uncertainty, and...well, seasonal franticness that is around us at this time. But, feel free to interpret as you see fit. I finally got my music library settled (see last week’s show for more) into a new app and system that I am very happy far! If you want to know or learn more about my process, feel free to contact me. I am happy to share my process and solution. As far as the music featured on the show, today, this week’s playlist was filled with tracks from albums that made a few best of 2016 lists, as well as some personal favorites that I longed to hear (more discoveries from my library!), and some seasonal tunes as well. A nice and varied mix.

Don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from the last episode, “Research in the Virtual Attic” (click here). This week's artwork, “letting go” is by yours truly.

Thanks for listening!

Compostion Album Artist Listen
Afro Samurai grace Mark Whitfield Not available for streaming.
Sugar Won’t Work Wise Up Ghost Elvis Costello & The Roots Apple Music
Mind Free Shift Logan Richardson Apple Music
A Remark You Made Heavy Weather Weather Report Apple Music
The Christmas Waltz The Sinatra Christmas Album Frank Sinatra Apple Music
Jingle Bells James Taylor at Christmas James Taylor Apple Music
Carol of the Russian Children A Swinging’ Little Christmas Jane Lynch Apple Music
Beached Will Julianna Barwick Apple Music
Goodbye Tape Loops Chris Walla Apple Music
The Noble Art of Letting Go The Noble Art of Letting Go Rebekka Karijord Apple Music
Ekki Múkk Valtari Sigur Rós Apple Music
Failing Light Ambient 2: The Plateaux Of Mirror Brian Eno & Harold Budd Apple Music
1ere Arebesque Clair De Lune Isao Tomita Apple Music
Satie: Avant-Dernières Pensées Satie Piano Works Pascal Rogé Apple Music
Satie Goodbye to Language Daniel Lanois Apple Music
Getting Friendly Beginning of a Memory Matt Wilson’s Big Happy Family Apple iTunes
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