"The Shape of Jazz to Come"

This week the music world lost a legend and creative tour de force, saxophonist and composer, Ornette Coleman. Ornette cast a stone into the musical waters of the jazz world in the late 50s with the release of "The Shape of Jazz to Come." The ripple effect of that release as well as all the work he shared in his lifetime, still vibrates and pulses throughout the jazz community. NY Times music critic, Ben Ratliff, in his Coleman obit, described how Ornette's "own music, then and later, became a new form of highly informed folk song: deceptively simple melodies for small groups with an intuitive, collective language, and a strategy for playing without preconceived chord sequences." This week's show will take time out to honor Ornette Coleman by playing a few tracks that both typify his "intuitive, collective language" as well as demonstrate his incredible diversity. Tune in this Tuesday from 9AM — 11AM for the live broadcast. If you miss the "live" show you can always catch the all-music, 24/7 "Alloy" station. Photo by michael hoefner.